Monday 8 August 2011

Does Obama remember these words?

Many times politicians words come back to haunt them.
Following the recent inter-party squabbling between the Democrats & Republicans who were being urged by President Obama to reach an agreement for the good of the country and to increase the USA debt levels I wonder if he remembers these words when having a dig at George Bush.

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America ’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America ’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

-- Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006

It reminds me of an old saying about Pots and Kettles or maybe it's just the reality of being President has made him eat his words

Sunday 7 August 2011


I have raided the issue of fluoride before and would like to join with Dr Mercola from the World's No1 Healthcare Site to invite you to join him as we help promote awareness of the dangers of fluoridation. At present we here in Scotland have managed to fend of the pressures by some in the medical profession to add this dangerous drug to our water supply. They keep trying and we must be ever vigilant that they do not slip in under our radar.

Consider this: It is illegal and unethical for a medical doctor to give you a drug without specifying dosage, and to fail to monitor your health for side effects from the drug. Yet, your water authority is not only allowed, but encouraged by some in the medical profession, to add a toxic drug—fluoride—to your drinking water without your consent and without any way of knowing who in your household is drinking it, how much, and the effect it is having. Fluoride has been proven to cause serious health issues, including damage to your bones and teeth, (instead of protecting them) as well as your kidneys, thyroid, pineal gland, and even your brain. With all of Scotland's health problems do we really need to add these to the list?

In partnership with Fluoride Action Network, Dr Mercola is happy to announce August 7-13 as being Fluoride Awareness Week. During this week, his website will focus on the dangers of fluoridation and how your efforts can make a difference on this important issue affecting us all.

Although his message is from the perspective of the USA we, in Scotland, must be alert to the dangers of some of our politicians and medical professionals attempting to add this hazardous waste to our water supply to the detriment of everyone's health. Already some areas in England are being mass medicated through their water supply. Don't let it happen here in Scotland!

Sunday 10 April 2011

Tories Stealing UKIP Policies

Well it's been an interesting week since the UKIP manifesto launch last Monday in the Macdonald Holyrood Hotel. Nigel Farage MEP the Party Leader was in town for the proceedings which the Tories tried to overshadow when they launched their own on the same day. Although there was a BBC camera & crew at the launch it was not mentioned on ANY of the BBC Scotland's news broadcasts, but well done to the STV for giving us a mention. The Tories were so desperate for policies that they tried to steal one of ours as their lead policy. Months ago we announced that it would be beneficial for schoolchildren who had found or were enrolled in job training or apprenticeships to leave school early around 15, so the Tories tried to up the anti by going for 14. Then it was announced that they would be getting rid of Home Reports, oops that's one of ours as well. What they don't say is that Home Reports (or HIPS in England) were only introduced as a way of disguising the Energy Certificate required by the EU. Now they say they will offer a referendum on elected Provosts, that sure fits in with our referendum policy but still only on things they say you can have a referendum on not what the people choose. This is only at a Scottish level, but look at the Tories last budget's plans to incorporate the National Insurance Tax with Income Tax. Where could they get that one from? Yes you are right stole it from UKIP. Well we know the CONservatives are running scared and stealing our policies but remember "Imitation is the sincerest form of Flattery"